While running errands the other day for the podcast I happened upon a new mural by one of my favorite artists, Hubert Massey.
The Flint-born Massey has art installations in different parts of the city, and this one seems fresh, much like the donuts right across the street from Dutch Girl.
This one celebrates the surrounding neighborhoods and the beautiful park across the street.

Featured is a housing style that is very common in the University District, and a section of the Turkel House designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. That’s located just a few blocks down Seven Mile.

So enjoy these closeups, and be sure to check it out for yourself. We’ll include a map at the bottom.

Of note, it’s on the side of a pair of buildings that many Detroiters may know, the old Sydney Boggs candy store. It was recently purchased and has plans to be renovated.
Here’s a shot of the wall before in May of 2019 from Google Maps, and then today.

Here’s a map of where you can find this mural, at Brentwood and Woodward in Detroit.