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So what exactly is the State of our Detroit region as we head in 2020?

It’s important to look at — as regardless of what some angry people on the internet might think — our region is economically and culturally connected.

Most metro Detroiters live in one county or city and work in another. We all use the same infrastructure to commute, to visit family, to shop, and more.

And I know from personal experience that in the eyes of the world, we compete on one Detroit team, even though proponents of our long-standing internal divisions might try to tell you otherwise.

The fact is, we’re in this together.

So the Detroit Regional Chamber does an annual state of the region report. It takes the temperature in areas from education to the economy. This year, they also added a State of Education report. Here’s a link.

On today’s podcast, Sven and Jer poured through the documents and pulled out what we think were important highlights along with our thoughts.

We realized quickly that if our region were a dashboard on a car, we have some key warning lights blinking that we need to pay attention to — as well as some positives.

Have a listen in the player above. And don’t forget to subscribe to your Daily Detroit in your favorite podcast app.