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Here’s your Daily Detroit News Byte for September 6, 2017.

Our top stories today:

  • The city of Detroit unveiled to the public today their program to catch illegal dumpers with hidden cameras (Brightmoor dumping YouTube Channel here) (Our full story here)
  • Matty Maroun might still get his bridge to Canada
  • Metro Detroit food news including a set of openings, a closing, and a renovation
  • Dally in the Alley, Soul Stomp and what to do this weekend – (City 5)

Of course, thanks to Podcast Detroit for helping make this possible: http://www.podcastdetroit.com

Be sure if you like the show to subscribe (and give us a review!) in Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/daily-detroit-news-byte/id1220563942?mt=2