This is your Daily Detroit News Byte for February 23, 2018.

Your headlines:

  • There are major Shakeups at Ford Motor Company – and a shift at Shinola.
  • Stroh’s is going to have a new Detroit-brewed beer.
  • Detroit automakers take best in class in select categories
  • Lumen Detroit is a step closer to opening
  • A new cafe is opening in Corktown in the spring called “Folk”
  • Detroit’s only campground in the city is reopening
  • Michael Bloomberg’s philanthropy arm selects Detroit for a grant to help deal with Detroit’s problems

Our feature interview is with David DeMuth. He’s the CEO of one of Metro Detroit’s oldest ad agencies, Doner… on what’s happening in the ad business and why they’re opening an office in downtown Detroit.

Here are some photos of their new office above Cornerstone Barrelhouse.

Thanks to our sponsors:

MILO Digital: From strategization to execution, the digital marketing experts at MILO Digital ensure that your brand is a step ahead of the rest. Learn more

The Detroit Regional Chamber: 

The Detroit Regional Chamber’s Detroit Policy Conference returns on Thursday, March 1 at MotorCity Casino Hotel and will focus on creating a culture of civility in Detroit. More than 60 speakers will take the stage, including: Wes Moore, Mark Wallace, Debbie Dingell, Nolan Finley and Stephen Henderson. Learn more about the Conference and see the full agenda at

And thanks to Podcast Detroit: