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On today’s show:

Our feature conversation is with Glenn Stevens. He’s the executive director of MICHAUTO, and an interesting voice to talk with Sven Gustafson about the future of electrification, where the auto industry is in Michigan, how companies will adapt to climate change and the global hyper-urbanization trends, and more. We recorded it at the Detroit Policy Conference.

Also: The Bonstelle Theater is getting new life as a conference and event space as part of a resuscitated hotel project that’s now being done by the Roxbury Group. Here are some pics on of what it used to look like.

A petition is circulating on upset at the approved demolition of most of the Sacred Heart church building in Roseville for self-storage units and retail. The deal has been in the works and in the news, but a month ago it was unanimously approved by city council. The petition is here:

I-94 between I-75 and Gratiot is going to be closed in both directions this week and next to demolish the East Grand Boulevard bridge.

And, my little humble tribute to Ernie Harwell as spring is, in fact, coming with pitcher and catcher reporting to spring training.

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