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Michigan is the Great Lakes State. Detroit is literally named the city of the strait – our river.

And one of the most important assets we have, and resources to protect, is our water and our environment.

So when I heard Tracie Baker at TEDxDetroit talk about the contaminant soup we live in, my ears perked up.

They perked up double when the Assistant Professor at the Institute of Environmental Health Sciences as well as the department of Pharmacology said that those contaminants can even impact DNA in testing, changing the course of future generations.

This is episode 378 of your Daily Detroit.

Tracie was kind enough to stop by the north end studio and talk about her work at Wayne State with me and Sven Gustafson. it’s an eye-opening conversation about contaminants, fatbergs. But also, there’s hope as there are people are starting to do to take action.