It’s a big day for the Girl Scouts because they just announced a new cookie to celebrate the 100th anniversary of selling Girl Scout cookies.

They have combined two of America’s favorite sweet treats – Girl Scout cookies and S’mores.

The Girl Scouts know a little something about S’mores. It turns out the first written recipe for the summer time staple was in a Girl Scout book from 1927.

But let’s talk about the cookie. There are actually two different types of S’more cookies.

The sandwich cookie is made of two graham cookies with chocolate and marshmallow filling. Each box will have 16 cookies. The other cookie is a graham cookie that has been double dipped in créme icing and then coated with chocolate.

Both cookies are free from artificial flavors or colors, high fructose corn syrup, or hydrogenated oils.

The Girl Scout Council for Southeast Michigan uses the Little Brownie Bakery so metro Detroit will get the sandwich cookie. Each council decides which bakery they will use, so your young niece or cousin could have the other S’more cookies.

There is a possibility that this new cookie will cost more than the other cookies. The organization says that’s because it costs more to make them.

Some of my fondest moments as a Girl Scout was sitting around a campfire with my troop as we made those gooey treats. I’m so excited to get to try these cookies when they come out.