Usher is a big name, and he took to social media today to show off some of Detroit’s best – from Eastern Market murals, to the iconic Motown Museum, to the popular Nojo Kicks downtown. It’s great P.R. for the city.

His photos, from his Snapchat story, are a great way to see the city – in fact, you could probably create quite an afternoon for yourself following in his footsteps. May we suggest a drink at Standby around the corner from Nojo? Or a burger at Cutter’s over by the Eastern Market murals?

It’s great he’s town, and the city is all abuzz of him taking an excellent little sightseeing adventure.

But it was missing something.

So for your comedic pleasure – we’ve added a little pal. A friend, if you will, for Usher, on this trip. He looked kinda – lonely.

Mini Drake.



IMG_5493Pocket Drake?

IMG_5501The “Man In The City” now has a companion.


Motown? Draketown.


All jokes aside, the 37 year old star is here for an important reason. He’s attending the Ford Freedom Awards at the Max M. Fisher Music Center. The gala honors “Men of Courage.” Former Detroit Mayor Dave Bing, criminal justice reform advocate and author Shaka Senghor as well as the University of Missouri grad student who staged a hunger strike against the school’s handling of racism on campus last year, Jonathan Butler, are among the awardees.

Of course, if you want to follow Usher on Snapchat – no Drake added – just look for usher.raymond.