On Thursday, Sven Gustafson hosted quite a few interesting guests at our booth and mobile studio on the floor of the Detroit Policy Conference at Motor City Casino Hotel.

Five of those people are on the show for today’s episode.

  • Candice Simons, Brooklyn Outdoor and J’Adore Detroit, who talked about the big ad controversy where billboards have been banned downtown – and what might be happening to change that
  • Christopher Collins of the Detroit JazzFest joined us along with Anne Parsons, President and CEO of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra to talk about the role of art in Detroit’s revitalization.
  • Justin Robinson, Vice President, Business Attraction, Detroit Regional Chamber and John Paul Rea, Director of Planning and Economic Development for Macomb County, on what the region is doing to keep talent here and much more.

Thanks to Podcast Detroit and specifically Dave Phillips, for providing the remote engineering for this episode.