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On today’s show:

  • A mover and shaker is helping fund a campaign for equal rights for LGBTQ Michiganders
  • Speaking of which, a new housing development will be built to support youth in that community (read more in the Detroit News)
  • Beaumont Hospital is expanding in Grosse Pointe
  • The Detroit People Mover is changing direction

And then a conversation with developer David Alade, the co-founder of Century Partners. They look to revitalize neighborhoods sustainably and holistically, including outreach to the community in their process.

I caught up with him at the Detroit Policy Conference and we chatted about the Fitzgerald neighborhood in the city of Detroit, over by McNichols (6 Mile) between the Marygrove and the University of Detroit Mercy campuses. We talked everything from greenways to housing.

It’s also where his organization is doing a variety of projects and it’s one of the neighborhoods the city is focusing on right now.

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