In the wake of the President being diagnosed with COVID-19, we talk to Dr. Paul Thomas of Plum Health Direct Primary Care about the situation and what’s happening here.

Specifically, due to the incubation period of the virus, presidential candidate Vice President Joe Biden is not out of the woods for awhile yet — even though he tested negative today. Plus, the Lions will not have fans at the stadium; and Michigan’s cases are rising. This was recorded before word came that the Upper Peninsula of Michigan is rolling back to stage 4.

Plus: 85,000 or so Detroit bus riders were left without transportation today as there was a work stoppage around safety concerns on DDOT coaches.

And finally, the U.S. Census matters, and in Detroit it’s a full-court press to get people counted. Victoria Kovari from the city of Detroit joins us to talk about the low response rate, how it’s calculated, and where in the coming weeks the city will be focusing their efforts. Census numbers impact not only representation in the legislature but funding and business planning.

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