Your stories for October 17, 2018:

– Detroit’s riverfront just took another major step forward. The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation is making a $50 million grant to redevelop West Riverfront Park.

– Keeping with the theme, here’s a second story about foundations making an impact. The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan announced $20 million in grants to a variety of local organizations.

– During a search for drugs in a house in 2015, Detroit Police officers killed three pet dogs. What has ensued since then has been a legal battle that has been raising questions around pets and property and police power.

– Corktown is getting a new MoGo bike sharing station thanks to help from the Ford Motor Company.

– Michigan ranks highly for something I’m pretty sure we’d rather not. Our state is in the top ten for states most vulnerable to identity theft & fraud. Nuri Gocay joins us from the IT in the D podcast to share what you can do to protect yourself. Supporting link:

– Could one of Greektown’s mainstay Greek restaurants be closing? Maybe so. More:

Thanks to our sponsor for today, Milo Digital.

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