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On November 8, 2018:

Ford made news today by buying Spin, an e-scooter mobility company. Jer head to the Ford World Headquarters to talk with the VP of Ford X, Sunny Madra, about the purchase and what they plan to do with the service. And, it’s beginning service in Detroit.

Ford also has chosen an architect and construction manager for their massive Michigan Central Station project.

Plum Market is opening in downtown Detroit (More here).

Karen Dybis talk with Sven about the Knight Arts Challenge Grants. She’s a winner for her project to chronicle Detroit’s vanishing Delray neighborhood.

Then, we chat about what’s happening around town, including a signage cleanup at Bakers, an infamous motel known for being dirty getting remodeled and rebranded, and what’s happening at the old Diablo’s space in downtown Royal Oak (there are more in-depth details here).

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