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On today’s episode of your Daily Detroit for February 24, 2020:

  • A new study shows that sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise among senior citizens both nationally and here in Michigan.
  • Hate waiting in line at the Secretary of State? You can now renew your car registration at Meijer stores across the state thanks to some new self-service centers.
  • Seven Southwest Detroit improvement projects were announced today by the Southwest Detroit Business Association.
  • The first $100 million dollars has been raised for the new University of Michigan Detroit Center of Innovation.
  • Office drones rejoice because Beyond Juicery Plus Eatery is now open in the food court of the GM RenCen.
  • John Cusack is coming to Detroit in April as part of the Freep Film Festival. The festival will be screening his film “Grosse Pointe Blank” and there will be a Q & A afterward.

And finally, Jer chats with Betsy Murdoch from The Congregation. It’s a new coffee shop and cocktail bar that is located in an old church on Rosa Parks and Atkinson. It is set to open on March 5, 2020.