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Today’s episode is about something you may not have thought about very often.

When a big storm hits, where exactly does all of the wastewater in our region go? And how do we handle it?

It gets attention in the news when basements back up or a freeway is brought to a standstill – but in order to fix it, it requires a plan.

And that’s just what the Great Lakes Water Authority has announced.

A new 40-year plan to help deal with the realities of what’s happening in our region. It has a focus on fixing and improving what we have, as well as improving our water quality. And to make it happen, there’s been a good dose of regional cooperation which is frankly a bit of news for southeast Michigan.

Joining me to talk about it is Suzanne Coffey – she’s the chief planning officer of the GLWA.

Then, I’ll share three things to know around town as StockX raises more money, local restaurants are getting slapped with liquor license suspensions, and a long-time Eastern Market business is expanding – along with improvements on roads nearby.