This is your Daily Detroit recorded on August 21, 2018. Our stories:

– It’s been a tough year for Detroit police and first responders. There have been three deaths on the police force in the line of duty in 2018, and numerous incidents off-duty.

– There’s been an uptick in hit-and-runs in Metro Detroit, with four in the last month.

– The New Mike Ilitch School of Business is set to open on Woodward. Wayne State University and Olympia Development hosted a tour of the building today, and Curbed Detroit has some great photos [Link].

– Wayne State University is opening part of its new Anthony Wayne Drive Apartments on Saturday to new residents. The 11-story, 407-bed building is the first phase of the $111 million housing complex, the university’s largest and priciest.

–  Speaking of pricey housing, rising rent prices and the coming expiration of federal tax credits meant to subsidize affordable housing are raising concerns about the fate of many of Detroit’s low-income residents. Bridge magazine reports that tax credits for some 7,000 apartments and homes are set to end by 2022 [Link]. When they expire, owners can apply to stop setting aside units for low-income residents.

– Fans of Detroit watering holes of yore, take note: A documentary about the legendary Lindell AC sports bar makes its TV debut Thursday night on Detroit Public Television. It’s called “Meet Me At the Lindell: The Story of America’s First Sports Bar.”

– Detroit Vegan Soul’s fish-free “catfish” platter has been named one of PETA’s Top 10 Vegan Seafood Dishes in the country.

– A 12-year-old Detroit girl is in an intensive care unit due to severe burns on half of her body. On Friday, Timiyah Landers and two of her friends attempted to do the popular “fire challenge” that they had seen on YouTube.

– Detroit Barbers in Corktown will be celebrating National Dog Day this Sunday by hosting Bulldogs, Brews and Beards. The event aims to raise money for the Detroit Bulldog Rescue.

That’s it for your Daily Detroit podcast today. If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe in Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, or wherever fine podcasts are found. It really helps.