On today’s show:

00:34 Unemployment is among the highest in the nation in Metro Detroit, only behind Las Vegas

03:24 A new report shows Black Michiganders had worse outcomes with COVID-19. More: https://news.umich.edu/black-michiganders-with-covid-19-suffer-worse-health-socioeconomic-outcomes-than-whites/

05:44 Little High Flyers shutters their brick and mortar shop in Midtown and go online only: https://littlehighflyers.com/

06:46 The Golden Fleece in Greektown got a remodel

09:56 Restoration work is underway at Michigan Central Depot (the massive train station in Corktown). Today’s update is on the tens of thousands of square feet of decorative plaster that is being re-created. Austin Giesey from Christman-Brinker joins us.

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