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On today’s show, Alexandra Schmidt from Bridge Magazine joins us to talk about a new report they released today, “No Substitute: The Public’s Agenda To Reduce Michigan’s Reliance On Uncertified, Long-Term Substitute Teachers.”

We run through the data and the responses with Schmidt, including:

  • 50,000 kids are served by long-term, uncertified substitute teachers
  • Enrollment in teaching prep programs in the state is down 70 percent in eight years
  • Average pay is dropping for Michigan teachers
  • This impacts districts across the state, but even more so those that serve people of color as 18 percent of students are minorities but 92 percent of teachers are white

Polling shows that Michigan parents are very concerned about all of this. Many people may not know that Michigan does not require any sort of teacher certification for long-term subs. Bridge’s polling shows 9 in 10 Michiganders want that to change.

So what are some of the solutions? We discuss it all.

We also round up some stories you should know around town:

Macomb County is looking at becoming a Second Amendment Sanctuary City, with the aim of protecting the ownership of AR-15s and the like

Recreational Marijuana sales surpass $10 million in the first six weeks

Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Roseville will be demolished for a self-storage place and retail strip

Though Livonia is getting a Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries site, it won’t be a homeless shelter (read more on Hometownlife)

Beyond Juicery opens in New Center

Mister Dips, a Brooklyn burger and soft serve joint, is coming to downtown Detroit behind the Shinola Hotel (more on Eater)

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