Today’s Daily Detroit recorded on June 19, 2018 is all about the most visible sign of Detroit’s turnaround in the years, the fact that Michigan Central Station is coming back to life thanks to Ford Motor Company.

On the show, we’re joined by a variety of guests. We talk to Bill Ford Jr. about the station.

We also catch up with Roger Gaudette, executive director for Detroit development with Ford Land, the automaker’s real estate arm about what the next few years look like.

Wayne County Executive Warren Evans also had words to share about Michigan Avenue becoming a major corridor between Dearborn and the Corktown neighborhood of Detroit.

Then, Sven Gustafson eats some of his own words from a wayward 2009 editorial back when he worked for MLive and contrasting that with the Detroit of today and just how much has really, truly changed.

Detroit’s momentum is a real thing. Enjoy this special one-topic episode of the Daily Detroit News Byte. If you like the show, be sure to subscribe for free in Apple Podcasts or wherever you download your favorite shows.