This is your Daily Detroit News Byte recorded on June 26, 2018.

– Detroit is becoming the first urban core in America with independent, self-driving commercial vehicles on public streets

– A Country Fresh dairy plant in the Detroit suburb of Livonia is closing its doors due to losing business from Walmart. More than 100 people will be laid off at the facility that has roots back to the old Melody Farms brand.

– DogSpot, a company that promises, quote, “No Mo FoMo Fo Yo Doggo” (the letter r has been omitted in their website text) has set up two air-conditioned dog parkers near popular restaurants in Ferndale.

–  Detroit’s hottest attraction last weekend seems to have been Michigan Central Station in Corktown. According to Ford, the new owners, more than 20,000 people came through the station during an open house over five days.

– 1,000 people are going to play the White Stripes song “Seven Nation Army” on Belle Isle together, and we have details on how you can participate.

– An update on the old 1917 American Bistro on Livernois

– Free Detroit-centric movies coming to Bel Air theatre

– And we dive into Open Street Detroit, the new Rouge Park edition. It’s interesting to see this event add a focus beyond Michigan and Vernor to over by Detroit’s largest park. Lisa Nuszkowski joins Sven on the show. 

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