Today’s show is a look into what we know so far around the election with Steve Friess of Newsweek and Hour Detroit.

We try to unpack it and look at some bigger picture topics. Topics include:

  • Polling was way off on the local level
  • The race for president in Michigan was far closer than people expected
  • Gary Peters and John James were in a very close Senate race
  • House Representatives Elissa Slotkin and Haley Stevens hold on
  • Trump may lose the presidency but he’s not going away
  • Voter priorities are different than what many expected in a pandemic
  • Democrats missing a ground game may have hurt them
  • No, a bunch of votes didn’t appear overnight. But facts? What are those anymore, apparently?
  • Recounts don’t get you many votes because there isn’t mass voter fraud
  • The reality may be we have 8-12 more years of this discord in the country, with the new “T” party as the “Trump” party

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