General Motors has made some news as of late with three big moves. So to understand it, we turn to expert and AutoTrader analyst Michelle Krebs.

She’s one of the voices I trust to figure out what’s happening in the auto industry.

First, we go through that GM has withdrawn their support for a Trump suit against California around emissions.

Then, GM’s rollout of an all-electric portfolio for new vehicles and just how big of a deal it is.

Finally, the scrapped deal with Nikola. Why that happened and what’s next.

For more, you can follow Michelle on Twitter here:

Plus three quick things you should know today:

  • There’s a propeller and nautical/aeronautical company moving to Detroit called Sharrow Marine. The city has a long history of boats and working with them, and the head of it is from the area.
  • A pilot program has been extended with new funding to test sewage from seven local cities to track COVID-19.
  • And a Michigan State Senate hearing has turned up nothing new with the whacky claims of voter fraud. I followed the hearing too, but really the best summary was from Gongwer’s Nick Smith: “We’re at the 2 1/2 hour mark and not a single person who has testified has said anything beyond items that have to date been largely disproven in either court or through reporting.” That held up throughout the rest of the thing. Tweet here:

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