On today’s show, we look to the future. In a post-pandemic world, it’s looking like things will not snap back to “normal” that was January of 2020. 

In fact, some of the changes could be pretty big.

So I talked about it with Sheryl Connelly. She’s Ford Motor Company’s head futurist and they just released their Ford Trends report. Here’s a link:

Some of the topics we cover in this episode:

  • Stress and pressures on people due to the pandemic
  • The desire for people to escape and how they do
  • A renewed focus on family and friends 
  • Gaps on inequality and inequity 
  • How people buy has changed, accelerating trends already in motion
  • The rise of personal transportation like bikes and vehicles, where sales have boomed
  • How personal sustainability trends changed (remember straw shaming? That’s not a thing anymore) while companies are focusing on new tech like electric vehicle. This is as a number of people think the pandemic will have a net negative impact on the environment, long-term

Also: TCF and Huntington Banks are merging, we’ll have some details; and Coronavirus vaccines are rolling out from Pfizer’s facility in Kalamazoo, Michigan. 

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