Today marks the official beginning of the end of the Pontiac Silverdome.

No exact timeline has been set, but there has been a consent agreement struck between Pontiac Mayor Deirde Waterman and the owners of the stadium to tear down the former home of the Detroit Lions, Detroit Pistons and many other events.

“We have reached a point where we must say goodbye to what was once one of the world’s greatest venues,” said Andreas Apostolopoulos, the CEO of Triple Investment Group (that also owns the Penobscot Building in Detroit) in a statement. “The Silverdome was not only the proud home of the Lions and the Pistons, but also served as host facility for the Pope, the Super Bowl, the World Cup, the original Wrestlemania and countless other events. As we say goodbye to an iconic place that was the setting for so many great memories, we put in place new development opportunities for one of the most unique properties in our nation.”

There are some basic dates in place. Triple Investment Group must get a demolition contractor in place by May 12 with a scope of work to be presented to the city of Pontiac by June 9.

In 2009, TIG bought the Silverdome for $583,000. It cost $55.7 million to build in 1975.

The structure and surrounding property has been falling into major disrepair. It has in the meantime been used by urban adventurers for everything from golf swings to a BMX playground.

Here’s a clip of Wrestlemania III – chosen because unlike old football games, it actually shows off the stadium itself as well as the iconic roof better.

Will you miss the Silverdome?