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Detroit’s had a long journey since it was founded as a frontier outpost by the French.

There’s been a lot of books about more recent Detroit history. Think 1900 forward. But not so many that look at the first years of Detroit, ones that were formative to the city we know today.

R.J. King — an award-winning journalist, author and editor of dBusiness — joined me in the studio today to talk about his new book, “Detroit: Engine of America.”

From the description:

As the populace sputtered and grew, they developed the machinery and skilled trades that produced in volume wagons, stagecoaches, steamships, hearths, locomotives, boxcars, furniture, stoves, equipment, marine engines, pharmaceutical drugs, and finally, the horseless carriage. Detroit’s grit and brawn ignited what is the first city in the Midwest, ingenuity and self-sufficiency thrust it on the world stage.

R.J. King

So if you’re into Detroit history and the “how” of Detroit happened and found success, have a listen. If you’re interested in the book, you can pick it up here.