On today’s show, Eric Trytko joins us to break down the Ford F-150 Lightning. How will it stand up to competition? Is there a market for this? What is there to look forward to, and what are the reservations? It’s an in-depth, smart conversation on a vehicle that Ford is making big bets on.

Plus stories around town:

– Venues are opening up around town and concerts are returning

– Nicole Curtis won her case with the Detroit Land Bank Authority, keeping at 1908 Foursquare in the Islandview neighborhood

– Spotlite Detroit just opened also in Islandview

– Listener Jason reminds us Mt. Clemens in Macomb County is doing a drinking district, too (whoops! Sorry! Mt. Clemens has some beautiful architecture)

– Detroit City FC is playing the Michigan Stars after all this weekend after much drama

Thanks to our episode sponsor, Fusion Marketing. Go check John out at http://www.tryfusionmarketing.com for everything from websites to large format printing. 

Also thanks to our members: http://www.patreon.com/dailydetroit

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