Several weeks ago, we told you that the upcoming film “Looking For Alaska” had chosen Michigan for it’s primary shooting location, and that they were looking to hire a number of Michigan residents to work on the film.

Well, the casting process begins soon and they want you! Paramount announced that they are seeking nearly 1,700 paid extras for the film.

Think you’re ready for the chance to grace the silver screen? Here’s what you need to know.

The film, based on the novel by John Green and directed by Rebecca Thomas, will start shooting this fall and is looking for nonspeaking roles, aka extras. These are paid roles.

They’re looking for women and men of all ethnicities and ages from 18 to 22. Men please be clean-shaven, and no other age ranges will be considered, so tell your dad not to get his hopes up.

If you’re interested, the auditions are at the Costick Activity Center, 28600 Eleven Mile Road in Farmington Hills, Michigan. Casting is 9 a.m. — 1 p.m., Saturday August 29 OR 1 p.m. — 5 p.m. Sunday, August 30

Additionally, produces are looking for men with some hoop skills for a basketball scene. If you would like to be considered for one of these roles, bring athletic gear and be prepared to perform basketball drills.

After the audition, the names of prospects will be entered into the database of the Ryan Hill casting agency in Detroit. You will be required to have your picture taken and must be prepared to provide your availability for the shoot dates. Also, be sure to bring your Driver’s License or other valid photo ID.

Now, if you’ve got a face better suited for the radio than the big screen, you can still capitalize on the film while it’s in town.

If you own a late 1980s/early 1990s automobile that is registered, insured, and in good shape and driving condition, you can apply to rent the vehicle for the film to use during production. If that sounds more up your alley, then bring color photos of the vehicle along with your contact info.