A story we’re following reported by the Windsor Star’s Dave Battagello is that the head of Canadian government body that oversees the project now known as the Gordie Howe International Bridge, Michael Cautillo, has been unexpectedly removed from their post.

Per the Star:

“It’s shocking news,” said local MP Brian Masse (NDP — Windsor West). “(Cautillo) was one of the more steady hands in the process for the new crossing. Now he is being removed.

“Given the latest developments, I can only imagine morale at (the bridge authority) is lower than the Edmund Fitzgerald. At this point, leadership on the project is needed more than ever.”

You should really consider giving the whole article a read. This is on the heels of the recent approval by the Canadian government of Ambassador Bridge owner Matty Maroun’s second span.

Why this matters: This story might not be sexy at first glance, but we’re dealing with more than a billion dollars in infrastructure investment upon the start of construction on the new bridge and billions of dollars of international trade that makes the crossing.