The small but usually packed diner on Jefferson is unique and it is receiving accolades. Today it was announced that Rose’s was nominated by Bon Appétit as one of “America’s Best New Restaurants in 2015.”

It is exciting to see yet another example of Detroit’s food scene making national waves. The food at Rose’s is homestyle, made from scratch, organic, and just simply satisfying. It’s a diner experience with elevated food.

On August 18 the list of 50 will be pared down to the Hot 10. Writers Andrew Knowlton and Julia Kramer seemed to enjoy their visit, so we’ll keep our fingers crossed.

Inside of Rose’s. Daily Detroit Photo

Here are their bullet points about the restaurant, which can be found on

[quote_box_center]What to order: crybaby, egg sandwich, any of the “house bakes”

We love: the owners’ commitment to paying employees a living wage; tips are distributed evenly among the staff[/quote_box_center]

The atmosphere at Rose’s is hip and cozy and classic, and we love the fact that they pay a living wage too. It’s also worth noting that Rose funded their opening with a kickstarter campaign, and now they’ve become a local hit.

Southwest Breakfast
We highly recommend the Bangin’ on the Border. Daily Detroit photo.

Now that Rose’s in the national spotlight, you might have to wait even a little longer to get in. Don’t worry though, it’ll be worth it.

You can find Rose’s Fine Food at 10551 East Jefferson Ave, Detroit MI, 48214.