From our state’s major teacher shortage to large numbers of long-term substitutes, to students not making it to school (let alone the political challenges in Lansing). Michigan’s education system is in real trouble.

Students are falling farther and farther behind, and this issue is one of the most important to talk about as it’s literally the future of our region and state.

We do a deep with Ron French from Bridge Magazine as to why.

The main pieces we talk about, if you’re following along, are here:

Why do Detroit kids miss so much school? Hint: Don’t just blame the schools:

After 3 years of substitute teachers, this Michigan girl may flunk 3rd grade:

Also, Bridge Magazine is a non-partisan, non-profit outlet that covers issues across the state. We’re glad to be able to highlight their work. You can support them here:

Of course, we do this every day on Daily Detroit. You can get our podcast wherever fine podcasts are found, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

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