Come April 3, you’re going to be able to hit a truly historic halfpipe with your skateboard. Historic as in it will be in the lobby of the Fisher Building in Detroit, one of America’s iconic skyscrapers.

The event will be open to the public, however only pros and experienced skaters will be allowed on the half pipe. Everard Findlay has invited Detroit’s skate community and skateparks to be a part of the Fisher Halfpipe.

The Fisher Halfpipe is part of the The Fisher Beacon Project and was created by MKR City. The project’s goal is to “reconnect the city’s residents with one another through ongoing exchange and conversation, and establish a platform for expression that will be shared with the wider world.”

Per MKR City:

The #FisherHalfpipe will be a monolithic mass bisecting the main arcade of the #FisherBuilding Lobby. Patrons will walk through gateways beneath and will be able to view skaters above with the magnificent Fisher as a backdrop, curves of the structure and the arcs of skaters cutting through space mirroring the Fisher’s vaulted, frescoed and inlaid walls and ceilings.

The halfpipe was created by Ramped Construction which is based in Detroit.

If you get hungry there will also be pizza being sold by Skate or Pie.

The Fisher Halfpipe will be open to the public from Monday, April 3 through Thursday, April 6 from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.

The Fisher Building is located at 3011 W. Grand Boulevard Detroit, Michigan 48202.