, the parent site of Eater Detroit has included the soon to open “Republic” in a list of the 33 most anticipated restaurant openings of 2015. Listed not by rank but in alphabetical order by city, the list chooses restaurants that are being opened by highly regarded chefs and restaurateurs around the country.

Republic is being opened by chef Kate Williams in late January or February of this year. It is located in the Grand Army of the Republic Building or GAR Building as it is commonly referred to in Detroit. It’s the one that looks like a mini-castle on the corner of Cass and Grand River by the Rosa Parks Transit Station which for years has been a neglected corner of downtown that can use some new life.

The opening of Republic will the be latest addition to the rapidly expanding food scene in Detroit. Rubbed, Gold Cash Gold, Antietam, and Selden Standard are some of the other restaurants that have recently opened in Detroit, and have been getting those who enjoy food (which seems like everybody) excited .

According to Eater, Republic will be more upscale with a “meat-centric” and “rustic” menu.

Another restaurant, called Parks and Rec, will also be opened by Kate Williams about a month or so later and will be more like a diner. We are looking forward to trying both of them.