Detroit’s bike sharing system has been a much-talked about addition to greater downtown Detroit’s transportation options.

We’ve walked through how to use the system before. It’s a public bike sharing system where you pay by the half hour (a variety of other passes are available) to use a bike to get around the downtown area.

Today the map went live ahead of the system’s official launch on Tuesday, May 23. It reveals that the system will reach as far west as Clark Park, as far east as West Village, and as far north as New Center. We’re going to walk through it, but the updated live link is here.

Why does an updated map matter? They’re in real-time showing how many bikes are at each station and how many the station can currently hold.

So like in school when we learned “Never Eat Shredded Wheat” for North, East, South and West, let’s take a look.

MoGo goes about as far north as the QLINE streetcar into the New Center neighborhood. It also goes a bit west to the Henry Ford Hospital campus.

In Midtown by Wayne State University the density of stations picks up. There are also a couple by Eastern Market.

MoGo Detroit Bike share map midtown

Going east, stations are farther apart and go all the way to West Village/Indian Village at Agnes and Parker, with three along the riverfront.

Since South Detroit is basically Windsor (they even have a bar named “South Detroit,” we’re going to treat the Central Business District as the southern part of our compass for today.

The stations are basically all over the place down there and by major employers.

MoGo downtown Detroit map

Let’s look west, where it serves Corktown and near Clark Park. There’s a station right by the busy Corktown district hub anchored by Slow’s BBQ.

Western side of MoGo Detroit bike share map

What do you think of the station placement? If you’re looking for more details on how to use the system, here’s our MoGo explainer post.