Stephen Clark, the recently retired WXYZ anchor, has decided to come back into the Detroit media fray.

A press announcement says that the popular former evening news host will be moving his act to a morning show on 104.3 WOMC.

The “104.3 WOMC Mornings with Stephen Clark and … ” show will air from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. weekdays. It debuts on Monday, April 2.

That “…” is noticeable as a co-host hasn’t been named yet.


“Stephen is an integral part of the fabric of Detroit and we are thrilled to have him open this new chapter in the station’s rich heritage,” said Debbie Kenyon, Senior Vice President and Market Manager, Entercom Detroit in a press release. “Stephen’s connection with our local community, his personality and love of music make him a great fit to take the helm of the new WOMC morning show.”

Clark spent 16 years as an anchor at WXYZ Channel 7. He had high praise for his new station.

“Only the legendary WOMC could have brought me out of retirement,” Clark said. “I have a unique relationship with the Detroit community from my time on television and I’m looking forward to deepening that connection via daily conversations and direct interactions with listeners every morning on 104.3 WOMC.”

He defacto replaces the morning show of Bobby & Stacey. The pair was let go in February of this year.

Clark is also a country singer and songwriter who performs around the Detroit area. He’s extremely active on social media, a key asset in today’s media landscape.