Build Institute, an organization that helps people turn business ideas into reality through tools, resources, and support, has opened registration for summer classes.

Demand for the classes is very high, so don’t waste any time signing up for a class. Acceptance is based on a first-come, first-serve basis. You are successfully registered only when you receive the acceptance email from Build Institute and pay your non-refundable $50 deposit.

Course Description and Schedule

The Build Basics course is an eight week business and project planning course. It’s designed to be compatible with any type of business at any stage – idea, startup, or established.

With Build Basics, students will learn the essentials of starting a business, including licensing, market research, cash flow, and financial literacy. Students will exit the class with a completed business plan, a group of fellow entrepreneurs in Detroit, and the knowledge to transform their business idea into reality.

BUILD 39 meets weekly on Wednesdays from 6 to 9 p.m. at Always Brewing Detroit (19180 Grand River Ave). The class starts July 9 and ends August 26. Apply for BUILD 39 here.

BUILD 40 meets bi-weekly on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Build Institute (2701 Bagley). The class meets on the 11th and 25th of July and the 8th and 22nd of August. Apply for BUILD 40 here.

To sign up for a class, follow these steps:

  • Fill out the application completely.
  • Add to your contact list.
  • Wait to be contacted within one week via email by Build staff regarding acceptance, non-refundable $50 deposit information, and class cost.
  • Once the deposit is paid, you’re in the class. You’ll get a welcome email one week before class stars with more information.
  • Go to class. Be sure to arrive at your first class a little early to pick up your curriculum binder.

Build Institute’s summer class is a great way to grow and transform your business. You’ll make connections with fellow Detroit business owners and gain a new perspective. Don’t wait too long to sign up, or you might lose your spot.