Today’s episode hits on three topics.

First, journalist Darren Nichols joins us to add context around a racially charged incident in Royal Oak that’s made national headlines.

A white woman called police on a black man who she said looked suspicious. And Royal Oak Police questioned him for about 20 minutes outside of a popular restaurant, while a bystander broadcast the thing live on Facebook. The story then spread across the country.

We dive into previous incidents in Royal Oak and in Detroit’s history to get context.

You may know Darren from his work at the Detroit News. Today he freelances and also hosts a weekly local podcast, Beyond the Headlines.

Recommended reading: Origins of the Urban Crisis. And here’s our story and graphic of demographic and racial changes that upset many readers.

Second, the drama around who will be Oakland County Executive next continues.

And third, Detroit City FC finally is truly going professional and Sven will tell you all about it.  

Plus, Sven’s back from up north!

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