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SMART Gets Smart, Spends $34.6 Million On 80 New Buses

Some good news for public transportation users as SMART, the Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transit, announced that it will spend $34.6 million on 80 new 40-foot buses. The upgrade is the next significant move by SMART, who has already put 61 new propane-fueled paratransit Connector buses into action this year. The purchase comes as a result of last year’s election, where 66 percent of voters approved a tax increase to help SMART upgrade 135 vehicles through a four-year operating i...

The Detroit Om: You Shop, They Give

How could those two things possibly be combined into one: A bustling and energetic city and the sound of the universe paired with tranquility. With the beginning and end of a yoga class, every voice makes up that one harmonious sound; each individual noise intertwines and unites all in the room. Similarly, the Detroit Om does just that. Uniting Detroiters and creating a better tomorrow for the growth of a city on the rise. According to Breathe in Detroit owner Cynda D’Hondt, “It’s all Detroi...

Football Helmets Made In Detroit Beat Competition In Head Impact Test

Football is a rough sport and has been the focus of a lot of conversation as of late around safety. The National Football League’s 2015 Helmet Laboratory Testing Performance Results indicate that Xenith’s EPIC helmet received the highest performance ranking of all evaluated helmets. Xenith is a Dan Gilbert owned company that has facilities in Southwest Detroit. They make a variety of sports equipment, such as helmets, shoulder pads, and face masks. “We’re thrilled that the NFL and the NFL...

WATCH: Actor Trolls Detroit TV News And The Result Is Amazing

[fbvideo link=”” width=”640″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″]   A comedian and actor has successfully trolled local Detroit TV in a remarkably funny fashion by splicing himself into the newscast about the unveiling of the Satanic sculpture of Baphomet. The statue had its big debut last month in Detroit, and in the weeks leading up to the event much of the national media’s attention was focused our way. However, despite the att...

Voice On The Street: What Kinds Of Businesses Does Detroit Need?

It seems as if there’s always another article about a possible development downtown. One week it’s an Apple Store rumor. The next week, Nike. Me and colleague Mehul Tolia hit the streets surrounding Campus Martius and asked a diverse group of people what kind of business they wanted to see open in Detroit. The group included security guards, cooks on their cigarette break, corporate employees, Detroiters who live downtown, and visitors from the suburbs. Each interview was as unique as the indi...

"Rehabbed And Ready" Program Aims To Help Stabilize Four Detroit Neighborhoods

Mayor Mike Duggan joined representatives from Quicken Loans, Home Depot and members of the community to announce the “Rehabbed and Ready” program Wednesday. The collaborative public-private campaign will renovate homes, increase occupancy and bring pricing stability to four of Detroit’s neighborhoods: Bagley, Crary/St. Mary’s, College Park, and Evergreen/Outer Drive. The areas were selected because they featured well-maintained homes, but needed a helping hand to increase home price stabilit...

Tour de Troit Bike Ride Returns With New Route

Tour de Troit veterans may have been able to race the route with their eyes closed, but that’s about to change. The 14th annual Tour de Troit will return on September 19 with a route that’s sure to keep riders’ eyes open. “As the Tour de Troit presented by Flagstar Bank continues to expand each year, we’re thrilled to give riders a different view of the city with a brand new route,” said Vittoria Katanski, director, Tour de Troit. “This is Michigan’s largest cycling ride and we’re proud to bri...

Is Detroit Style BBQ Fact Or Fiction?

At this point in history, it might finally be safe to say that there is something more American than apple pie. Barbecue. BBQ has become such an integral part of American culture that it seems to have developed its own subculture. The result of our BBQ obsession is the countless hordes of spirited chefs who dedicate their lives to building the right combination of tender, slow-cooked meat, spiced and smothered with tangy sauce as they relentlessly strive to create the perfect bite of barbecu...

Casamira Apartments Built In 1925 To Be Redeveloped Into 44 Apartments

In 12 months, the Casamira Apartments in New Center should have new life. There will be $10.2 million invested in the four story, 42,200 square foot property on Delaware street, near the end of the M-1 Rail under construction on Woodward. The faith-based economic development and employment training nonprofit Central Detroit Christian Community Development Corporation had the property donated to them. They intend to turn the 1925 structure into 29 market rate apartments and 15 affordable hous...

Grab Your 15 Minutes of Fame As A Paid Extra In Upcoming "Looking For Alaska" Film

Several weeks ago, we told you that the upcoming film “Looking For Alaska” had chosen Michigan for it’s primary shooting location, and that they were looking to hire a number of Michigan residents to work on the film. Well, the casting process begins soon and they want you! Paramount announced that they are seeking nearly 1,700 paid extras for the film. Think you’re ready for the chance to grace the silver screen? Here’s what you need to know. The film, based on the novel by John Green and...

Crobot Swings Through Detroit En Route To The Top Of The Rock World

In a world where auto tune and drum machines rule the mainstream, many a music fan are left hankering for the days when rock ‘n’ roll was king and disco sucked. Enter Crobot. They’re a hard-hitting, remarkably sweaty, no frills rock band that captures the spirit of an age of music that seems to have been lapped up and swallowed by the gnarled, wagging tongue of Miley Cyrus. This gang of grizzled road warriors have had an impressive few years, including tours with some well-established rulers...

Put The Rubber to the Road: Bike Sharing Is Coming to Detroit

Ever wanted to bike Detroit, or just bike from work to a hot new lunch spot and back again without having to deal with the hassle of owning a bike? Your wish will come true soon. Detroit will get more $1 million to launch a public bike share program, possibly in the spring of 2016. Detroit’s funding comes form the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments, which is also funding 13 other transportation projects around Metro Detroit. In total, SEMCOG is planning on spending over $6.4 million o...

Here's Why Detroit Doesn't Have A RoboCop Statue (Yet)

In February of 2011, something remarkable and utterly bizarre happened in Detroit. And, like most monumental movements in today’s world, it all began with a tweet: What followed was this response by then Mayor of Detroit, Dave Bing: What happened next was nothing short of magic, and proof of the unyielding power of Internet virality. Local artist John Leonard created a Facebook page, which boldly stated that Detroit needed a RoboCop statue. By the end of its first day, that page rece...

PHOTOS: Kayaking The Historic Canals Of Belle Isle

Belle Isle is one of Detroit’s most cherished places, and kayaking its canals literally gives you a completely different perspective. Constructed between 1893 and 1910, the canals have become a beloved part of the island. In their heyday, that was the place you would go to have a peaceful time out with your date and it would be epitome of perfection with well-manicured banks and many, many boaters. It’s exciting to see that canoe (and in this case, kayak, paddleboat, and paddle board) r...

Run Detroit’s 3.101 Program Will Help You Run This City

Detroit has a multitude of new developments and hidden gems scattered around town that give this city the character we love. It’s not always easy to get around to exploring it all – so what better (and faster) way to experience that Detroit character, than while on a run? Detroit’s very own Run Detroit running shop, located in the heart of Midtown, wants to give you the opportunity to do just that. Their 3.101 10-week program is designed for someone who is not active and would like to run hi...

Things To Do In Detroit: Your City 5 For The Weekend Of August 21-23

Happy Friday, Detroit. We’re back once again with your list of what’s good to do in and around the city this weekend with your City 5. UAW-GM Spirit of Detroit Hydro Fest – Saturday and Sunday – Detroit River If you enjoy a little sun, fun, and boats that look like spaceships careening across bodies of water at breakneck speeds, then I suggest you head over to the Detroit River for the UAW-GM Spirit of Detroit Hydro Fest on Saturday and Sunday. This event was created to fill the voi...

Find Locally Sourced Food Near You With Detroit-based App Grubbable

Do you like local restaurants? Do you look for locally sourced food when you go out? Have a smartphone? Here’s something that is just for you. Meet Grubbable, the Detroit-based app that works like a Wikipedia for your favorite local Detroit and Metro Detroit restaurants, but it also gives you discounts. How? By learning more about the local farms and artisans each restaurant uses. “When they eat at any old chain, they are supporting often unsustainable agriculture, cruel environmental practi...

Yep, It's Real - Get Your Very Own #TigerWatch2015 T-shirt

Well, this was bound to happen. The Tiger Watch guys have launched a T-shirt sale, capitalizing on their brief brush with Internet stardom on Tuesday. If you aren’t familiar with the back story here, check out our article about the debacle. In a nutshell, a photographer brought some live animals into the Packard Plant for a photo shoot, a tiger wandered off, and all out Internet madness followed shortly there after. It’s not the first time a wild animal has wandered around Detroit, but it cert...

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