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Coworking Space Bamboo Detroit To Double In Size, Move To Washington Boulevard

Detroit’s entrepreneurial community is getting another boost. The coworking space Bamboo Detroit announced Tuesday that they’re expanding to 6,000 feet on Washington Boulevard in downtown Detroit. They’ll moving into the Julian C. Madison Building at 1420 Washington Boulevard, steps from Grand Circus Park. This is double the size of their current space on Brush Street by Ford Field. Bamboo is not only the city’s largest coworking space by membership, it’s also very diverse, with 40% of membe...

An Inside Look At Parker Street Market's Expansion In West Village

As of late, many of Detroit’s developments have been “big” – a new Lawrence Tech building, the Whole Foods, multiple square blocks of Brush Park, and the new Red Wings arena. But the fun – and the signs of real life – are in the small. To that end, Parker Street Market, the hidden West Village corner store adored by Detroit foodies, has only been on the scene a little more than a year, but it is already expanding 700 sq. ft. by the end of the summer. This will at least triple 1the store’s...

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