Michigan Economic Development Corporation5

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The NeighborWay Looks To Connect The Dots In Rosedale Park

Ever wanted to take a peaceful stroll along a pave path and visit all the cultural and public places in a community? Here’s your chance to make that desire a reality. The Michigan Economic Development Corporation, the Michigan State Housing Development Authority, and the Grandmont Rosedale Development Corporation have announced a crowdfunding campaign that will support the creation of a wayfinding path through the Grandmont Rosedale community. The path, called the NeighborWay, will “connect...

Michigan Ranks in Top Ten Nationally for Corporate Expansion

Site Selection magazine named Michigan the number six state in the nation for major new corporate facilities and expansions in 2015. The publication verified 217 projects in Michigan that met capital investment, job creation, or size standards as part of its annual Governor’s Cup ranking. “Once again, the nation is taking notice of the bold reforms now driving Michigan forward. More companies are choosing to grow their futures in Michigan, creating more and better jobs here,” Michigan Econom...

New Jobs On The Way: Great Expressions, Magna Seating Expanding & Hiring

The Michigan Economic Development Corporation announced on Wednesday that the Michigan Strategic Fund has approved the funding of three business expansions and three community developments in Michigan. Combined, the projects are expected to generate more than $13.6 million in investment and will create 335 jobs throughout the state. Two of these  companies — Great Expressions Dental Centers (GEDC) and Magna Seating of America, Inc— are right here in Metro Detroit, and we wanted to take a momen...

Port Of Monroe To Get Major Improvements

The City of Monroe’s harbor will be undergoing major improvements and alterations in an effort to transform it into a leading cargo transportation center on the Great Lakes. The harbor is a critical economic resource, though many people probably don’t even know about it. Located on the western edge of Lake Erie, the port provides direct access to all five of the Great Lakes and serves 17 states. Funding for the project has been provided by the Michigan Strategic Fund, which approved up to $3...

Micro Grants To Create Jobs And Help Local Food Businesses Grow

When you have a business, every little bit helps. Citizens Bank, Eastern Market Corporation, and Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) announced the latest round of micro grants through Eastern Market to support food-based small businesses in Metro Detroit. The grant funds include $60,000 from Citizens Bank and $150,000 from MEDC. Citizens Bank funding is through its Growing Communities program, which focuses on job creation by leveraging Michigan’s agricultural industry. “Our G...

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