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5 Secrets To Making Awesome Things Happen With Jason Hall Of Slow Roll

The first thing you need to know about Jason Hall is that he is a realistic optimist. He knows there is negativity in the world – he just chooses to grab it, flip it upside down and turn it into something he can use to improve himself, improve his work and, ultimately, improve the city that he loves. Hall is a pizza lover, a Detroiter, a bike rider and the creator of Slow Roll, which he describes as “a unique nonprofit that brings together thousands of people from all over the region during 25...

Mike Duggan Speaks Truth To Power About Detroit's Divided History

Finally. Across Metro Detroit, we usually do a terrible job of acknowledging our past and how those decisions impact our region today. But in an energetic speech in a venue where a message about race is uncomfortable for some, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan talked about the systematically racist policies that shaped our region today and finished with a standing ovation. The TL;DR (Too Long; Didn’t Read) version is thanks to a practice called redlining if you were white after World War II, you c...

The Mackinac Policy Conference: Benefits, Bourbon, And B.S.

As I’m now starting my fourth year on the island attending the Mackinac Policy Conference, I can tell you that most of the rumors you may have heard about this event are true. 1,700 or so leaders in various parts of metro Detroit’s business, political and nonprofit establishment have completed their annual migratory trip to the Grand Hotel, with the conference agenda officially starting tomorrow. And without fail, the same annual criticisms are leveled by some, especially on the left, that i...

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