Tavis Smiley, star of late night television on PBS, will be in Detroit March 23rd through the 25th to film five episodes of his show.

The episodes will focus on the city and its rebirth. They will explore the Arab American community in Dearborn, the challenges that long-time Detroiters face, and Downtown Detroit’s resurgence. Smiley’s trip will conclude with a Town Hall meeting.

All of the shows will be taped at the Community Arts Auditorium at Wayne State University in front of live audiences. Detroit Public Television (DPTV) will provide the crew and facilities to assist with the production of the show.

Detroiters have the opportunity to join the live audience and see how DPTV and PBS tell Detroit’s story to the world. If you’d like to be part of the live studio audience, visit www.dptv.org/programs/tavis-smiley.