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The City of Detroit is building a temporary dam on the city’s east side.

With Great Lakes and river waters expected to be higher than last year, the dam, at a cost of $2 million, was deemed necessary to protect the Conner Creek Wet Weather Treatment Facility from being overwhelmed.

It’s going to be what’s called a Tiger Dam. And no, it’s not made up of Detroit Tigers players who would have had Opening Day today.

The dam is delivered in 50 foot long tube sections and then put together. Then they’re filled with water. They can go as high as 32 feet.

When they’re empty, each tube is about the weight of a medium-sized dog, or 63 pounds. And full? 6300 pounds.

You know, I find something poetic about holding back the water with more water.

The dams will be installed along the entire seawall in the Canal District. That’s over there in Jefferson Chalmers near the Grosse Pointe border.

According to the city, residents have been notified and installation will begin March 30.

City of Detroit crews along with the United States Army Corp of Engineers, along with subcontractors, will be completing the installation. The dam is expected to be completed by May 1. 

This story is transcribed and lightly edited from a segment on the Daily Detroit podcast.