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The pandemic situation isn’t good.

Hospitalizations, something experts had hoped would not jump? They are, but this time among people 30-49 of age.

In fact, COVID-19 hospitalizations are way up.

So we’re doing a deep dive podcast on what’s happening with coronavirus in metro Detroit and Michigan.

To set the table, according to COVID ACT NOW, the Detroit metro area is averaging nearly 63 new cases per hundred thousand people per day. Experts say that’s a very dangerous level.

The positive test rate is 14.5 percent.

And that’s despite nearly a quarter of the region receiving their first dose of the vaccine. The spread of the virus is not slowing down yet. That infection rate that you want below 1 – is at 1.3.

Wayne and Oakland counties, over 50 cases per 100k per day. Macomb county is racing to 90 cases per 100k. St. Clair? Nearly 120.

We are a day or two away from our highest level of covid ever and it’s running rampant through our community. And it’s time to talk about it. Why this is happening. Why it’s important for everyone that vaccinations happen quickly to keep mutant strains at bay. How individual doctors can get ahold of the vaccine and the special equipment for it. And more.

So joining me for the conversation is Dr. Paul Thomas of Plum Health Direct Primary Care. Have a listen to the Daily Detroit podcast the player below, or on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to shows.

Links we talk about:

“In The Bubble” podcast w/ Dr. Bob & NYU’s Arthur Caplan –

Marielle Lue from Fox 2 News is fighting COVID, “I can’t breathe” –

Miami Heat to open seats for vaccinated-only fans April 1 –

Also, vaccinations in the city of Detroit are *open* for any residents or those who work in the city 16 and up. Call 313-230-0505 to book an appointment. More: