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Welcome back to the week! There’s a lot in our latest episode. Let’s dive in.

– The Ilitch organization will receive another $74 million dollars in taxpayer subsidies for the District Detroit. 

– John Beilein is leaving his job as coach of the University of Michigan Men’s basketball team to take over as head coach of the NBA’s Cleveland Cavaliers.

– Hazel Park is set to get a new mixed-use mid-rise development on the site of a former CVS and Movie M ania store on John R as part of a vision to create a walkable downtown district, and a new microbrewery might be coming to Livonia.

– The Hello Kitty mobile cafe is coming back to Metro Detroit, this time in a new location.

– Freep Columnist Rochelle Riley is joining Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan’s administration to promote and grow arts and culture in the city.

– And, we talk about the preview of the beautiful Monarch Club on the roof of the historic Metropolitan Building.