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Detroit’s Capitol Park has a long, storied history. And it’s seen a lot of transformation the last five years.

It also has a special place in my heart as it’s a place I traveled often as a kid. My first Hot Wheels set was bought in a store where Prime and Proper is now. My McDonalds? As a kid, it’d be the one that was at State and Shelby streets when my dad went and painted offices. 

On today’s podcast, we dive in on the history of Capitol Park with’s Dan Austin.

We then take a tour of the recently renovated Farwell Building. It had sat basically abandoned since 1984, and talk to Brian Rebain of Kraemer Design Group. Photos of our tour are below.

And chat with Capitol Cafe operator and Eatori owner Zack Yatim about his new spot.

Have a listen in the player above.