Hello and happy June!

We hope you’ve achieved a full recovery from any mental/physical damage done at Movement this year, but if not, we’ve got just the thing to nurse you back to health.

Experimental indie-pop duo, Valley Hush, are set to release their sophomore album, Don’t Wait, this Saturday at the Majestic Cafe. If you’ve not yet heard this enchanting pair, you’re in for a treat.

Together, band members Alex Kaye and Lianna Vaniceli have crafted a sound that is entirely groovy and utterly unique. Their first album, To Feel Small, offers a mesmerizing mix of psychedelic soundscapes spilled across danceable, hip hop inspired grooves, paired with elegant guitar and bass lines. Don’t Wait is sure to follow suit, but with more time and experience under their belts it’s likely be an even more powerful collection of progressive pop anthems.

Their small but lush catalog is available for free at their bandcamp site and is sure to push your summer forward at a leisurely, somewhat surreal, pace. If your intrigue gets the best of you after hearing their music, be sure to take a look at this short interview the group recently did with WDET.

This is going to be one hell of a show, but here’s the kicker…

Local sweet boys, Jamaican Queens, are also on the bill and will be playing their last Detroit show before heading out for a summer tour. What’s more, just yesterday the band released their new album, Downers, and it’s absolutely killer. Be sure to be one of the first to catch some of the new jams played live. You can grab a “pay what you want” digital copy, or pre- order a vinyl copy of the album here.

This show will be so heavy with vibes you’ll leave feeling like DiCaprio on Quaaludes in Wolf of Wall Street.

Of course, we don’t recommend driving your Lamborghini home in that condition.

The Details

Valley Hush EP Release Show With Jamaican Queens and Little Animal – Saturday, June 6 @ 8 p.m. – Majestic Cafe, Detroit – All Ages – Tickets are $8 in advance and $10 at the door.