The weekend is finally here! These City 5 posts are getting more exciting each week with the summer vibes infiltrating the city. I have selected five items I think should relatively take little effort to be involved with/are awesome by nature since they always bring the most interesting folks out. I hope your week is going great so far and that you are working hard so you can really let loose over these brief but memorable weekends. Here we go…

Friday: Detroit Bike to Work Day 2015 – If you’re living downtown, or anywhere near your work, and want a great excuse to bike to your work place, then join in on this city movement tomorrow morning (7 a.m. – 9 a.m.).  The annual Bike to Work Day puts a spin on your average routine before reaching work.  Celebrate with the hundreds of other folks by riding to the breakfast gathering at Capital Park (adjacent to Griswold and Grand River Ave) in Downtown Detroit. Free coffee, baked goods, giveaways and more will the available to those riding their bikes to the event. Wayne State University will have a Midtown pit-stop located in front of Old Main at Cass & Warren Avenues with free coffee and pastries for bike commuters thanks to Fourteen East Cafe & Avalon Bakery. The fresh air and breakfast food sounds too good to pass up these days, and it’s a mini work out to get the blood flowing.

FridayMOCAD Spring/Summer Opening (Art, Music, & Drinks) – Since we are limited to including only the most essential detail in each of these listings, I will have to keep it short and sweet. This is one of those events where all of the forward thinkers and doers come together to celebrate the advances in art, music, and culture over drinks and amazing entertainment. This year’s MOCAD Spring/Summer Opening will feature a series of art work by Rob Pruit, the MOCAD’s Detroit City Program will be presenting work done by Greg Fadell & Ken Okiishi, and music by Yoni Wolf & Serengeti who are both embarking on a tour soon after this event.  This will be a great mixture of culture and fine arts, so definitely consider this!

Friday & Saturday: Meet Your Best Friend at the Zoo – If you’ve been exceedingly jealous of all your neighbors and friends walking their pets out in the amazing weather, then look no further.  The Michigan Humane Society teaming up with the Detroit Zoological Society & Purina, will be hosting their annual Meet Your Best Friend adoption event at the Detroit Zoo. This event, for Friday, will go from 1pm to 7pm, and on Saturday, will go from 10am to 5pm.  Click here for Tickets.  If you want options then I suggest you definitely get there early.  There will be a variety of dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens available for adoption from 40 different Animal Welfare Organizations, including the Michigan Humane Society.  Also, a great excuse to visit the zoo if you haven’t since elementary school field trips, like myself.

Saturday: 2015 Spring Open House at Russell Industrial Center – Going down from 5pm to Midnight, the residential artists of the Russell Industrial Center will be converting their studios into to store fronts and will be offering tours of their work place and insight into their creative process. These art studios are located in a former factory so expect to feel the atmosphere to be a bit industrial and raw, an excellent sight to see if you’re looking for something new to do.

Sunday: Eastern Market Flower Day – Probably the busiest day I’ve ever seen Eastern Market last year was for this exact event. Flower Day is one of the most exciting, captivating and memorable shopping experiences you will ever have. Bring your family and a wagon; and make it a great family event.  Over 15-acres of the highest quality annuals, perennials, foliage, shrubbery, trees, exotics, tropical plants, flats, hanging baskets and more will be available for purchase. This event will be going on from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Eastern Market.  You can definitely expect to see the Motor City Pedicabs in the area to take a joyous ride around town after purchasing some flowers with your loved ones.

Thank you and hope to catch you out any one of these events this weekend! For more great events, check out our Detroit events section, which is constantly updated.