Do you have what it takes to beat the current coney eating champion? If you do, then you need to get registered for the 6th Annual American Coney Island Coney Eating Contest.

The contest this year will be held on Thursday, September 1 at American Coney Island in downtown Detroit.

Before the main event happens there will be a special competition between the Detroit Police Department and the Detroit Fire Department. The teams are currently tied with one win each, so come to see who takes the lead.

The main event is an individual event, and is open to anyone. The mission is to eat as many coney dogs as you can within ten minutes. If you’re not familiar with our regional delicacy, a coney is made up of a hot dog, chili, onion, mustard and bun.

The current champion is Matt Holowicki from Plymouth, and he has been the champion since 2014. His record is 19 1/2 coneys in ten minutes. He will be returning to defend his title.

Besides having bragging rights for the next year the winner of the coney eating contest will receive a Coney Championship belt, a year of free meals from American Coney Island, and other prizes from local stores and restaurants.

If you are interested in registering for the individual coney eating contests it is $10 in advance, or $15 at the door. You can call (586) 219-0995 to register.

If you think food eating contests are more of a spectator sport then you can come watch the festivities go down. Admission is free, but they do ask for a donation of $5 to watch the madness.

Proceeds from registration fees, a portion of the days sales and donations will go to the Detroit Police Fund and the Detroit Firemen’s Benevolent Fund.

The competitions begin at 5:30 PM.

American Coney Island is located at 114 W. Lafayette Detroit, Michigan