It is hard to believe that Noel Night is already upon us this Saturday, but it is.

The thing I love about Noel Night on December 3 is that the cultural center comes alive, and sometimes it is the one night a year that you get a chance to check out some of the smaller places in Midtown. There is musical performances, art shows, vendors selling anything you can imagine, and it is so festive.

Just be sure to wear comfortable shoes, and dress for the weather. There is a free shuttle that can take you around, however it doesn’t go to all of the venues.

There are over 100 different venues that participate in Noel Night. It is only five hours long, so you really need to go in with a plan of action. There is no way you can go to every venue or see every performance. (Here is a schedule for the entire evening.)

Of course there is always a ton of stuff that goes on at The Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, The Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit Symphonic Orchestra, Detroit Public Library, Michigan Science Center, and the Scarab Club to name just a few larger venues.

I love all of those places, and I generally spend most of Noel Night hopping between all of them. But I decided that this year I want to do something different.

I was scrolling through the participating places and thought that instead of trying to shove everything into one post I would give you my top five places to check out.

Here we go.

1. Cathedral Church of St. Paul

Located on the corner of Woodward and East Warren, the Cathedral Church of St. Paul has an entire evening filled with a live animals of the Nativity, music, and tours of the church.

If you love chamber music (even if you don’t still go) there will be a performance by theThe Shift Ensemble Detroit at 8 p.m. Here’s a little inside baseball, I went to high school with the flutist and we use to share a stand in concert band.

Cathedral Church of St. Paul is located at: 4800 Woodward, Detroit Michigan 48201

2. Wayne State University Press Warehouse

If you love books, especially those printed by Wayne State Press be sure to make it over to the warehouse. This is the one time a year that they open the warehouse to the public.

They will be having a book sale, and live performances by M.L Libeler and The Coyote Monk Christmas Band.

Wayne State University Press Warehouse is located at 40 W. Hancock Detroit, Michigan 48201

3. Wayne State Walter P. Reuther Library

This is the first time that the Walter P. Reuther Library has been open for Noel Night. If you’ve never heard of The Reuther Library it is home to the Labor history archives for Wayne State.

They will have exhibits of Detroit’s Poletown Neighborhood and Detroit Residents work with United Farms Workers. You will also get a chance to look at the newly restored WPA Mural that honors the history of the UAW.

If you are into automotive and labor movement history this should be your number one stop.

The Walter P. Reuther Library is located at 5401 Cass Avenue
Detroit, Michigan 48202

4. The Hannan House 

The Hannan House specializes in enhancing the lives of the elderly living in Detroit. On the evening of Noel Night they will be having a number of live performances, food for sale, face painting, crafts, and a holiday market.

If you are bringing kids to Noel Night, this would be a great place to take them.

The Hannan House is located at 4750 Woodward Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48201

5. 3980 Second

If you’re in the mood for shopping, check out this pop up. Detroit Clothing Circle, Sbutrakt, and Sfumato Fragrances will be there.

If you haven’t seen our story about Sfumato Fragrances you should check it out.

They will also have Ryan Specner of Jamaican Queens perform from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m.

This is the 44th year that Detroiters have celebrated Noel Night. The evening starts at 5 p.m. and continues until 10 p.m.

Now that I’ve given you my list, what is on yours?