Every city is a complex combination of backgrounds, ethnicities, generations, values, tensions, and confluences. There’s not one reason, or even a few reasons, why Detroit is the way it is. Every Detroiter throughout history has their own story. There are many threads that connect to the larger narratives of the way we understand Detroit that a lot can be garnered from listening to individual stories from people that were actually there.

toughluck-detroit-storiesFilmmaker Mary Sommers is putting together a film that tells the stories of Detroiters who came up in the 60’s and 70’s. In her short video she mentions the importance of creating new narratives about the city, and suggests that people have to get beyond simple ideas of what Detroit is about.

“This film challenges perceptions about Detroit, with critical discussion that goes beyond bankruptcy, emergency management, crime, race and class,” according the Kickstarter page.

Sommers is looking for $2000 to create an a full-length film that shares the stories that are part of our City’s narrative. We’ve included the trailer above. Check out her project on Kickstarter.


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